In Bosnia & Herzegovina, justice must be done for the crimes of the past to build a better future

12.12.2019 ( Last modified: 09.12.2019 )

A message from Selma Korjenic, Head of Bosnia and Herzegovina Program

Dear friends, 

I am writing to you from Bosnia and Herzegovina, where more than 20 years after the end of the war, the aftermath of the violence is still deeply felt. Today, many victims are still suffering from crimes committed in the past: psychological trauma, financial instability and stigmatization are daily realities for many of them.

The reparative aspect of the law is central to help victims move forward. ©Will Baxter/TRIAL International

The legal system should help victims take back their lives: with reparations, they can access care, regain their dignity and finally turn the page. This reparative aspect of the Law is central in my eyes.

That is why I am calling on your generosity today: we need you in order to help victims obtain reparations.

As I recently reminded the United Nations Security Council, the right to reparations remains unevenly enforced in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Numerous obstacles still prevent victims from accessing justice. Violence destroys, but healing is possible.

This year, a group of generous donors will double your gifts up to 30’000CHF by 16 December, every franc is worth two! Take action now and ensure that your contributions go twice as far!

Thank you for your trust.

Selma Korjenic,
Head of Bosnia and Herzegovina Program

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