2019, a year of maturity and stability for TRIAL International
TRIAL International’s 2019 Activity Report is out. With new victories to salute and a closer support than ever to victims, the organization has entered a phase of maturity and stability.

In recent years, TRIAL International has scaled up its activities rapidly, exploring new contexts and reaching the 3 million CHF-income mark in 2019.
This development has permitted us to make a real difference for many beneficiaries, but we are also weary of the challenges it poses. Growth cannot happen at the expense of sustainability, and expansion must be balanced with phases of consolidation.
TRIAL International is committed to having a durable impact: our combat at the side of victims requires endurance.
2019 has been a year of maturity for our organization. Renouncing the siren of unsustainable growth, we have concentrated on reinforcing our operational and organizational capacity to effectively carry out our social mission. Our wide network of donors and partners has provided invaluable support in this respect.
The coronavirus pandemic has put – and is still putting – our resilience to the test. While its effects are undeniable, our roots are deep enough to face it head on.