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TRIAL International contributed to the ‘An Environmental Compact for Ukraine’ report titled ‘A Green Future: Recommendations for Accountability and Recovery’ published in February 2024. Our recommendations include a number of strategic reflections regarding the investigation and prosecution through extraterritorial jurisdiction of international crimes resulting in...

Arbitrary arrest, torture and unfair trial

12.02.2016 - (Last modified: 12.05.2020)
Facts In October 2013, TRIAL and the NGO Stichting Russian Justice Initiative, submitted a communication to the UN Human Rights Committee on behalf of Mr. Tamerlan Yashuyev, Mr. Khamit Barakhayev, Mr. Rizvan Taysumov, Mr. Salman Temirbulatov, Mr. Arzu Yusupov, and Mr. Magamed Alarkanov. The six men were arrested in different cities of Chechnya and Dagestan, betwee...

G8 commitment to tackle impunity for rape in conflict welcome

12.04.2013 - (Last modified: 13.07.2017)
London/Geneva, 12 April 2013 – A Declaration on Preventing Sexual Violence In Conflict was agreed yesterday by the G8 countries, declaring that rape and other serious sexual violence amount to war crimes and grave breaches of the Geneva Conventions constitutes an emphatic reminder that states are required to investigate and prosecute conflict-related sexual violence w...
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