Nataly is a qualified lawyer from the Dominican Republic. She completed a Master of Law (LLM) in International Human Rights Law at the University of Essex (United Kingdom) and is currently completing a Master of Advanced Studies in Transitional Justice, Human Rights and Rule of Law at the Geneva Academy of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights. She has experience in research and strategic litigation of human rights violations, particularly in regards to gender-based violence, sexual and reproductive rights and the rights of people in statelessness condition.

In the past, Nataly has worked for the Ministry of Women of the Dominican Republic, for international NGO Women’s Link Worldwide, for the Ombusperson (Defensor del Pueblo) office of the Dominican Republic and served as consultant for UN country office in the Dominican Republic and the Gender Legislative Commissions of the National Congress. She also interned for the Equality and Human Rights Commission of England and Wales.

Her working languages are Spanish and English, with intermediate knowledge of French.