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Complaint at the International Olympic Committee
11.09.2003 - (Last modified: 18.07.2017)
Complaint before Ethics Commission of the International Olympic Committee
On the 11 September 2003, the TRIAL association, member of the Kissinger Out! campaign, filed a complaint with the Ethics Commission of the International Olympic Committee (IOC), requesting that Mr. Henry Kissinger be divested of the title of honorary member of the IOC.
Mr. Henry Kiss...
Legal manual on the fight against impunity under Swiss law
12.03.2003 - (Last modified: 18.07.2017)
12 mars 2003 :
Présentation du manuel juridique "La lutte contre l'impunité en droit suisse"
Conférence de presse pour présenter l'association et notre manuel juridique "La lutte contre l'impunité en droit suisse", en présence de Bernard Bertossa, ancien Procureur général du canton de Genève.
Communiqué de presse:
La Suisse peut et doit faire plus dans la lutt...
Constitutive Assembly
06.06.2002 - (Last modified: 18.07.2017)
6 June 2002: Constitutive Assembly
Constitution of the organization during the General Assembly in Geneva.
TRIAL Statutes
The Committee
TRIAL is composed of 11 members :
Philip GRANT, President
François MEMBREZ, Vice-president
Jean GROB, Treasurer
Ambroise BULAMBO
Alfredo CAMELO
Andreas FELDER