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Enforced disappearance of Djillali Larbi

21.01.2014 - (Last modified: 09.11.2016)
Introduction In October 2008, TRIAL submitted an individual communication to the United Nations Human Rights Committee on behalf of Djelloul Larbi, acting in the name of his father, Djillali Larbi. The latter was arrested by the Algerian police on 25 May 1994. He was subsequently detained for three weeks in different local police stations, and was transferred to an u...
The case In July 2008, a joint individual communication against Libya was lodged by TRIAL and the organization Al-Karama for Human Rights before the United Nations Human Rights Committee on behalf of Khaled Il Khwildy, acting for his brother, Abdussalam Il Khwildy. Mr Il Khwildy was arrested and detained arbitrarily in April 1998, toghether with his father and thr...
The United Nations Human Rights Committee condemned Libya in a new case concerning serious human rights violations committed against Abdeladim Ali Mussa Benali. According to the decision issued by the Committee, the Libyan authorities are required to conduct a thorough investigation to shed light on the enforced disappearances as well as the torture he was subjected t...

Algeria: Two brothers forcibly disappeared in retaliation

07.06.2012 - (Last modified: 20.10.2016)
Introduction In August 2008, TRIAL submitted an individual communication to the United Nations Human Rights Committee on behalf of Mrs Taous Djebbar and Mr Saadi Chihoub, acting in the name of their sons, Djamel and Mourad Chihoub. Djamel Chihoub first, then his brother Mourad six months latter, were arrested by members of the Algerian army and are have been repporte...

Jagath Dias

30.10.2011 - (Last modified: 31.10.2019)
In 2008-2009, Mr Dias was the Major General of the 57th Division of the Sri Lankan army, tasked with attacking the Tamil Tigers during the final offensive against the rebel group. In this respect, he is alleged to have committed serious violations of the law of war. It is alleged that, from December 2008 to January 2009, the town of Kilinochchi was relentlessly shell...
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